Revenue surged by 67.6% YoY to RMB 1,665 million Gross profit surged by 133.4% to RMB 535 million , with a gross profit margin of 32.

1%, a 9.0 percentage points increase compared to 1H 2023. Net profit increased by 175.

5% to RMB 488 million , with a net profit margin of 29.3%, a 11.5 percentage points increase compared to 1H 2023.

Adjusted net profit grew by 146.6% to RMB 534 million , with an adjusted net profit margin of 32.0%, a 10.

2 percentage points increase in 1H 2023. The total global customer base expanded to 419, with 71 new customers added in 1H 2024. The total number of integrated projects reached 167, with 26 new integrated projects signed.

The number of later stage (phase II and above integrated projects) increased to 29, including 9 PPQ projects from global pharma and biotech customers. The backlog grew to US$842 million , representing a 105.0% YoY growth.

Continued to drive facility and talent expansion to meet increasing global demands. The Wuxi site ramped up quickly, delivering a 100% success rate to global clients. The Group received multiple top awards in the "2024 Asia (ex- Japan ) Executive Team" by Institutional Investor.

SHANGHAI , Aug. 20, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- WuXi XDC Cayman Inc. ("WuXi XDC" or "the Group", stock code: 2268.

HK), a leading global Contract Research, Development and Manufacturing Organization (CRDMO) focused on the ADC and the other types of bioconjugate market, is pleased to announce its interim results for the first half of 2024 ("Rep.