has since its initial launch as what I would say is the most enjoyable multiplayer sports game on the Nintendo Wii. Every activity takes place on Wuhu Island, a fabulous sports retreat location that was a joy to explore in the background of every sport. Now thanks to , you can see it all up close and personal.

is a on Itch.io developed by AtomicLugia. They analyzed every part of the island they could, as we all did back in the day while flying around “playing” the dogfighting game or “cycling” in a race we definitely didn’t care about winning, and recreated them in Unity.

AtomicLugia is the first to admit that this isn’t a perfect 1:1 port, and that’s okay. What it does is allow us to finally fulfill that dream of walking away from the sports for once on Wuhu Island and go and see every part of it in what is now the closest we’ll ever get to setting foot on it in real life. Wuhu! In , you have a choice of 8 Mii-like characters to choose from, including 2 inspired by the default Miis of and 6 other Guest Miis that you’ll recognize if you played the game on the original hardware.

When it comes to locations, Wuhu Island Explorer has everything from the map, complete with improvements made in , such as the updated castle and light tower. It even has Wedge Island, which is mainly used for golf, and you can fast travel between major areas to make travel a little easier while you relive this nostalgia-inducing location. Every fan playing the game is having a blast .