It will soon be autumn, the season I like the best. Most Americans call it fall instead of autumn because it is the time of year when leaves fall from trees. Meteorologists say autumn, or fall, usually starts on September 22, or 23, in the northern hemisphere.

I no longer put stock in such dates because climate change has wreaked havoc with the seasons. A meteorologist is an expert in weather conditions. The expression “put stock in” means to have confidence in someone or something.

The expression “wreak havoc with” used this way means to make a situation more confusing or difficult. Climate change has caused confusion in weather patterns, making the job of meteorologists more difficult. I hope they are right in saying autumn will arrive in late September because climate change has made this summer the hottest on record.

I am now in Indianapolis where the summers are normally not too hot but has been very hot this summer. Luckily, the weather in the past few days has become cool and pleasant in the mornings and evenings. I now go to the backyard of my brother-in-law’s house at around 7.

30 in the morning for a large cup of English Breakfast tea. I go again at around 6 in the evening to have a glass of whiskey. Soon I will be able to see the leaves in the backyard turn red, like I did when I lived in Washington DC years ago.

It’s beautiful to look at. But I won’t be in the US to see the leaves turn brown and fall from the trees. I will be back in Asia to avoid the.