Chrissy Goodings, a business member of the Feel Good Norfolk Network, shares how she went from being a chakra sceptic to a chakra specialist running retreats helping people to connect and balance their chakra systems I was definitely a sceptic when it came to chakras. Even the word itself made me feel like it was all a bit too "woo" for me. Then I tried it, and wow! The results were so transformational that 10 years later, I'm running a successful business focused on the seven chakras, their significance, and how we can balance them to improve our overall health.

Back in the early 2000s, I knew nothing about chakras. Did I believe "energy centres" actually existed? No. Did I think these "energy centres" could be tuned up like a car going for a service every few months? Absolutely not.

Don't get me wrong, I knew enough about physics to accept that energy is real. But the idea that energy in our bodies, if blocked, could cause disruptions to our overall well-being? No, I just didn't buy it. (Image: Feel Good Norfolk Network) As I delved deeper into the world of chakras, I began recognising signs of blocked energy within myself.

I was experiencing fatigue, anxiety, lower back pain and a heavy feeling in my heart, all symptoms I had previously brushed off as side effects of a high-stress, low-rest lifestyle. I felt disconnected from friends, family, and colleagues; my body was exhausted, and my mind was overwhelmed, like a TV stuck on static. Even my go-to self-care practices, su.