When it comes to the best horror movies we’ve ever seen, 1996’s Scream has gone down in history as one of the most clever versions of a slasher. Coming off the wild success of the original movie, director Wes Craven and the main cast reunited for Scream 2 in 1997. However, when David Arquette looks back on the sequel, he has one memory that might be scarier than Ghostface.

Sure, those Scream kills are terrifying, but what about getting a harsh note from your director, the legendary Wes Craven? When David Arquette guested on the podcast Off the Vine with Kaitlyn Bristowe , he recalled getting a brutally honest note on the set of the 1997 movie. As he said: It was so bad in one scene [in] Scream 2 that Wes Craven came up to me, and he goes like, ‘That is unusable, David. That was terrible, absolutely horrible.

’ I was like, ‘Wow, Wes, what can I do?’ He’s like, ‘Do it again, do it faster, do it better’. But yeah, we had to reshoot that whole scene. It was a big, long monologue.

During the interview, David Arquette immediately went into said monologue like he had rehearsed it yesterday. As it turns out, the scene he was talking about included a famous line of Dewey’s which fans of the franchise like to quote. Here’s the line: How do you know that my dimwitted inexperience isn’t merely a subtle form of manipulation, used to lower people’s expectations, thereby enhancing my ability to effectively maneuver within any given situation? Hey, it’s a lot of lo.