In the expansion, every class has three new Hero Talent trees that unlock at Level 71. More specifically, each class specialization can choose between two of those three Hero Talents, creating some unique gameplay opportunities and completely new build options. We’ve created this Tier List to rank all of the Hero Talents for all classes in the expansion.

Hero Talents Tier List for all classes With the expansion, the addition of Hero Talents really changes up each class specialization. Essentially, each spec now has two separate subclasses based on the Hero Talent tree. While some Hero Talents affect build rotations and gameplay, others are mostly cosmetic changes.

We’ve put together a Hero Talents tier list designed specifically around all facets of PvE in . The Hero Talents we’ve put in the S Tier are the strongest overall Hero Talent specializations in and should have one in each M+ or raid scenario. Classes in the A Tier are solid and should also be used as available, while those in the B Tier may have specific strengths that make them worth bringing.

Hero Talents in the C Tier are a bit lacking but should still be able to compete in most content, while those in the D Tier are very under-tuned at the moment and should for the most part be avoided until they receive some buffs. Here is our Hero Talents Tier List for all classes:.