Some of the hardest wounds to heal are those of the heart and soul. Some people say that time heals all wounds. This may very well be true; however, how much time we have allotted to ourselves remains a mystery.

Only God knows the answers to the many questions we may have. The enemy continues to use members of our immediate families to try and entangle us in the snares of sin. Only the chosen ones who are strongly rooted in the Word of God can recognize this type of attack.

The devil has no respect towards anyone who confesses to be a born-again Christian. He targets them and tries to make them fall and puts evil thoughts in their minds in order to destroy their faith in God. People are sometimes funny characters and at times, it is very difficult to analyze and comprehend their thoughts.

Thanks be to our God that we are all under His divine protection during our twenty-four hour day. This is something that we as Christians should be grateful for. Some people do not believe that we are under a constant microscope from God.

They do not care about the daily things that go on about them and continue to live a care-free life. The true Christian, however, knows that one day, we will all have to give an account for our actions before God. We, as Christians, must remember that hurts and wants are inevitable and are going to continually come our way.

As we realize this, we also know that there is a time and a season for everything in this life. The time is coming soon when the bad th.