Bet you never thought that maybe the secret to good sleep, healthy hair and good libido is hiding in an insect-based diet – neither did we, until a study led by Ngnaniyyi Abdoul, University of Dschang, stated otherwise. The study stated that the secret might be lying in a grasshopper-based diet. It was observed that rats fed on a diet of Ruspolia nitidula, a type of edible grasshopper common in Cameroon, showed more improvement in health markers than other rats.

With a growing population and food security issues, scientists are constantly working on unearthing energy sources that can be obtained from unconventional methods. One of the best ways is to allow insects to be a part of the diet – they are highly nutritional and have low environmental impact. While insects can be a sustainable food source, they also come with unique health benefits.

ALSO READ: High-protein diet isn't all good news; new study reveals a dangerous flipside Result of grasshopper-based diet on rats The study was conducted on rats – it was observed that rats that consumed a grasshopper-based diet showed significant improvement in sleeping patterns, increased sexual tendencies and better hair quality. Ruspolia nitidula – the edible grasshopper – is a rich source of amino acids, vitamins, and minerals. The unique nutritional profile of these grasshoppers allows improvement in hair quality, and keratin production.

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