WELCOME to the world's only "book shop Airbnb" where guests spend the night - and run the store during the day. The Open Book a charming bookshop with a flat above so people can sleep upstairs and sell books downstairs. 8 Daisy Yeung and Lydia Man from Hong Kong are currently staying in the property Credit: SWNS 8 Book lovers can ''live their dream'' of having their very own shop by the sea Credit: SWNS 8 There is now a two-year waiting list for people wanting to stay Credit: SWNS 8 More than 450 guests have enjoyed the experience of running their own bookshop Credit: SWNS Based in Wigtown - Scotland's National Book Town - it gives book lovers the chance to ''live their dream'' of having their very own shop by the sea.

Airbnb say it is ''the first ever bookshop holiday residency experience'' - and is so popular it has a two year waiting list from guests around the globe. It was set up by The Wigtown Festival Company and aims ''to celebrate books, independent bookshops and welcome people from around the world''. The shop welcomed its first holidaymakers in August 2014 and since then the charity-run Open Book Airbnb has become a sensation.

Read more travel HAVE A BLAST Major city to host Scotland's largest fireworks display with 15k expected 'TOTAL CHAOS' Scots beauty spot CLOSED two days in a row as campervans gridlock narrow road More than 450 guests have enjoyed the unusual experience of running their own bookshop - from all over the world including Hawaii and Beijing. There.