World Vision Malawi says climate change is impacting food production system in the country hence having critical issues of hunger and malnutrition in most areas. Country Director at World Vision Malawi Francis Dube highlighted a 5.7 million people population who are in need of food between 2024-2025 harvesting season as critical in nature that can highly contribute to malnutrition and stunted growth among children indicating chronic food insecurity which the country is having.

He was speaking at the launch of “Enough Campaign” in Traditional Authority Kapondo Mchinji, a project which seeks to alleviate child hunger and malnutrition. “Our commitment through this project is to raise resources that will enable to support critical food security programmes like school feeding, agriculture production promotion, agriculture inputs like fetelizers and seeds, so we want to get ourselves more supportive as an organization,” Dube highlighted. (adsbygoogle = window.

adsbygoogle || []).push({}); He further said they will mobilizing more partners to join them and support the campaign as part of contributing to ensuring that the country has adequate food for every child to have enough food which is inline with nutritional benefits. Minister of Gender, Community Development and Social Welfare, Jean Sendeza graced the occasion and said there is need for people in the country to diversify in food systems and adapt the habits of eating foods that are enrich with all nutritional value cha.