Wednesday, August 21, 2024 Over 60 expert-led sessions at World Travel Market London 2024 will explore regenerative tourism, technology, and more, setting the stage for global industry transformation. This year’s World Travel Market London will host over 60 confirmed conference sessions, bringing together top industry experts and government ministers, further solidifying WTM’s status as the premier global event in the travel and tourism sector. Focusing on key themes such as regenerative tourism and transformative technologies, WTM London promises to be a catalyst for positive industry change.

The sessions are organized into six distinct Conference Tracks, each carefully curated by a team of expert advisors to ensure attendees can easily find topics most relevant to their interests. The tracks include: Following a 29% surge in attendance at last year’s conference sessions, this year will see an expansion of the stage areas. To make navigation easier, the conference theatres will be color-coded according to their corresponding regions: the Yellow Theatre in the Africa section, the Orange Theatre in Asia, and the Purple Theatre in the Tech area.

Additionally, each day will focus on specific themes, with sessions grouped into specialized summits. Key highlights include: Tuesday, 5 November The event opens with the unveiling of the WTM Global Travel Report, a comprehensive analysis supported by Oxford Economics, offering valuable insights into consumer behavior and emerging.