World Mosquito Day is an annual observance dedicated to raising awareness about the significant threat posed by mosquitoes, which are responsible for transmitting some of the most dangerous diseases known to humanity. This day serves as a reminder of the critical need to protect ourselves and our communities from mosquito-borne illnesses like malaria, dengue fever, Zika virus, and West Nile virus. These diseases continue to affect millions of people globally, making it essential to stay vigilant in combating these tiny yet deadly creatures.

From the theme to the history of the day, read on to learn more. World Mosquito Day 2024: Date and Theme World Mosquito Day is celebrated each year on August 20, and in 2024, it falls on a Tuesday. The theme for 2024, "Accelerating the Fight Against Malaria for a More Equitable World," emphasizes the urgent need to address disparities in access to malaria prevention, diagnosis, and treatment.

This theme highlights the importance of timely diagnosis and effective treatment in preventing complications and saving lives. History of World Mosquito Day World Mosquito Day commemorates a significant discovery made by Sir Ronald Ross on August 20, 1897. On this day, Ross identified the malaria parasite in the stomach of a female Anopheles mosquito, providing the first evidence that mosquitoes transmit malaria to humans.

This groundbreaking discovery revolutionized medical science and laid the foundation for efforts to combat mosquito-borne diseases.