There are a lot of myths and misconceptions about Hepatitis B. Hepatitis B is a vaccine-preventable infection of the liver caused by Hepatitis B virus (HBV). HBV can cause acute hepatitis, chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis as well as liver cancer.

There are a lot of myths and misconceptions about Hepatitis B. Let us delve deeper into those today by Dr. Rohit Mehtani, Assistant Professor, Department of Hepatology, Amrita Hospital, Faridabad– Myths regarding the transmission of infection 1.

Myth – It is transmitted through casual contact like a handshake, kissing, or sharing meals/utensils. Fact – HBV is transmitted through unprotected sexual contact, sharing infected needles, blood-to-blood contact, or from an infected mother to child during childbirth. Handshakes, kissing, sharing utensils, or eating meals together is safe.

2. Myth – Hepatitis B is a genetic disease Fact – Although hepatitis B can be transferred from mother to child during childbirth, it is not a genetic disease. It spreads due to contact with body fluids.

3. Myth – Hepatitis B is transmitted by mosquito bite Fact – Hepatitis B cannot be transmitted by insects, including mosquitoes. 4.

Myth – One should not breastfeed if they are infected with hepatitis B Fact – Hepatitis B may be transmitted during breastfeeding only if the nipples are cracked or bleeding. Otherwise, it is safe for women with hepatitis B to breastfeed their children. Vaccination of the child against hepatitis B will further lowe.