Virgos will have a lot of work this weekend. Aries will be able to have a great time. Tarotist and prognosticator Olha Solomka has compiled a horoscope for all zodiac signs for August 17-18 exclusively for AstroOBOZ.

Find out what awaits you. Aries You have a great opportunity to enjoy your vacation at home, where you are very cozy and comfortable, and everything you need is at hand. You can cook something delicious and spend time with your family, cuddling and watching your favorite TV shows.

This will be a great opportunity to recuperate and recharge your batteries. Taurus Visiting new places and getting to know new cultures will help you broaden your horizons and gain unforgettable experiences. You will be attracted to a variety of interesting places where you can learn something new or admire beautiful landscapes or architectural structures.

Gemini You will be enthusiastic about cleaning up and getting rid of everything that annoys you because you will feel a strong desire to turn your home into an ideal place where there is not a single superfluous thing, not to mention dust. This process will not only help you create a comfortable environment but will also bring you great satisfaction from both the process and the result. Cancer You will be looking for answers to important questions and striving for self-improvement, philosophical reflections will come to mind, and you will want to dive deeper into the study of complex topics, get food for thought, learn Zen, and gain k.