Tokyo’s internet and manga cafes are much more than a place to browse the web. As 24-hour spaces to work, play, eat, shower and sleep, they’re a second home to some. But they can also be off-putting to women.

Luckily, Tokyo has plenty of women-friendly internet cafes to try. We’ve all been there. It’s 1 a.

m. in Shibuya. You’ve been singing the night away at karaoke with your friends and you lost track of time.

Now there are no more trains home. What do you do? Where can women go to feel safe in Tokyo at night? You could drop several thousand yen on a taxi back to the suburbs. Or you could head to one of many internet cafes in Tokyo.

But, you might be thinking, aren’t internet cafes places guys go to in order to...

you know? Well, yes and no. While generally safe, internet cafes do have a reputation as a hotspot for seedier activities. For this reason, female visitors may wish to seek out internet cafes with special facilities geared towards women.

There are several great women-friendly internet cafes in Tokyo to choose from. Internet cafes, similar to manga cafes, are places to relax and enjoy a range of entertaining activities. These can include browsing the web, watching movies, singing karaoke and reading comic books.

Most internet cafes offer private rooms equipped with TVs and laptop computers alongside showers and even laundry facilities. The reclining or flat-room floor seats make reasonably comfortable places to nap, meaning many visitors use internet cafes.