Women from overseas were trafficked to work as prostitutes in Bolton , Blackburn and elsewhere, a court has heard. The conspirators allegedly took half of the women’s earnings by selling sex to male guests via online adverts and controlling where they could go at all times. Laszlo Matus, 52, was brought before Bolton Crown Court this week accused of being one of the gang, who had profited by exploiting women between October 2021 and November 2022.

Prosecutor Marte Alnaes said: “At some point in 2021 a plan was hatched to commit a number of crimes in and around Bolton, Blackburn, Birmingham and Preston.” She added: “The investigation that went on during that time revealed an organised crime group that we say this defendant was involved in.” The trial opened at Bolton Crown Court (Image: Newsquest) Wearing glasses, a grey North Face T-shirt and a dark grey jacket, Matus listened on from the dock through a Hungarian interpreter as Ms Alnaes laid out her case.

She told the court the court that the gang sold the women’s services through an online agency known as “Vivastreet” and that they trafficked the victims around the country. She said that the women were held to be in debt to the gang leaders, but it was “not always clear as to why or how much.” Ms Alnaes told the jury of six men and six women that two people had already confessed to their part in the plot.

She claimed that Matus’ role was “essentially, we say, to be the right-hand man to the other two.