A twin whose sister and two nieces were shot dead by her brother-in-law is calling on the government to make it harder for people to own a gun. It was the first week of lockdown in March 2020 when Rob Needham, 42, murdered his fiancee Kelly Fitzgibbons, 40, and their daughters, Ava, four, and Lexi, two , with a shotgun in the family home before turning it on himself. There had been no signs of domestic violence and no obvious motive behind the murder-suicide .

Kelly’s twin, Emma Ambler, now 44, wants ministers to ban people from keeping rifles and shotguns in their homes after the bloodbath in Woodmancote, West Sussex. Emma, from Birmingham, tells the Mirror : “I still cannot believe that I will never see my beautiful sister and nieces again. “There were no signs that they were ever at risk.

“My own children had stayed overnight in the house several times. “Rob seemed like a great guy. I trusted him 100% and I’m sure Kelly did too.

Their life seemed idyllic. Every day I ask myself how anyone could murder their own children. “The day he killed them, he’d spent the afternoon putting up a playhouse in the garden for the girls.

Kelly told me how excited they were, but he knew they were never going to play in it. He’d already hidden bullets in the washing basket.” Needham’s shooting hobby was known.

But the wider family were unaware he kept a gun at home and they did not know whether Kelly was aware of that fact either, according to the inquest into the killi.