A woman has been defended online after she refused to attend her parents’ 30th anniversary party if her estranged brother was there. In a recent post shared to the popular “Am I The A**hole” Reddit forum, the woman acknowledged that she’s been estranged from her older brother – who she referred to as Mark – for more than five years. She explained that while they used to be close as children, their relationship “deteriorated when he stole” $25,000 from her.

“Without going into too much detail, Mark was going through a rough patch and convinced me to lend him a large sum of money, which he promised to pay back within a year,” she wrote. “I agreed because he was family, and I trusted him. But he never paid me back.

” According to the Reddit user, her brother “blew up” at her when she confronted him about the money, claiming that she was “selfish” and “didn’t care about his struggles.” She also noted that the conversation then turned “into a huge fight” and the pair haven’t spoken since. The woman claimed that over the last five years, her brother has “refused to apologize” or “even acknowledge that he did anything wrong.

” As a result, her parents have not only been “stuck in the middle,” but their children’s issues have “put a strain on [their] family.” However, they were still trying to plan a party with both of their children, which upset the Reddit user. “My parents are planning a big celebration for their 30th we.