A woman has shown her new go-to plane hack to stop the annoying case of the reclining passenger using a Pringles tube. The TikTok user shared how she unfolds her tray table out and puts the Pringles tube upright between the tray table and the tray table latch, stopping the chair from reclining. This TikTok video by @clareduggan1982 led to an animated debate in the comment section with some people commenting that recliners are entitled to sit back, while others said reclining should be banned.

In 2023, a survey by Skyscanner found that about 40% of people in the UK find passengers reclining their seats annoying. The American furniture manifacturer, La-Z-Boy even launched a campaign in November 2024 that got more than 150,000 signatures with the hashtag #BanReclining campaign. La-Z-Boy’s Senior Director of Consumer Marketing, Nelly Martinez Garza, said in a statement: "La-Z-Boy has spent nearly 100 years innovating and crafting the most comfortable, high-quality recliners.

"While this continues to set our products apart, we believe comfort shouldn’t come at others’ expense. "Our #BanReclining campaign is simple: Just because you can recline doesn’t mean you always should.” Other common tips include placing a water bottle on your tray under the latch like with the pringles is apparently a handy hack as well and using your knees to block the seat from reclining.

In 2023, Skyscanner found that the top three most annoying plane habits were drinking too much while flying, .