Chien-Hua Kuo, a Taiwanese woman who suffered from endometriosis, would sometimes faint due to severe menstrual pain. Despite undergoing surgery to remove ovarian endometriomas (chocolate cysts), the condition soon recurred. How did she ultimately manage to overcome her menstrual pain? Ms.

Kuo underwent surgery to remove the ovarian endometriomas, but her symptoms returned just a few months after the operation. The doctor explained that this was related to her condition, advising, “Return for surgery again if the pain becomes unbearable.” Ms.

Kuo knew that another surgery was not feasible—she had no one to care for her and no one to manage the household. On the radio broadcast, the guest talked about how her husband had many ailments that practicing Falun Gong had seemed to cure and how his temper had also improved. The broadcast also mentioned that the lessons were offered for free.

Ms. Kuo, who was facing financial difficulties, decided to try it. Her first group practice of Falun Gong took place in a park close to her home.

After the morning session, she felt a significant improvement in her physical well-being. Two older women who practiced Falun Gong with Ms. Kuo learned about her situation and told her that group practice could be particularly beneficial.

They encouraged her to participate in outdoor group sessions even during her menstrual period. On the first day of her period in the fourth month of practice, Ms. Kuo decided to join the group despite her abdomin.