SINGAPORE: A woman took to social media on Thursday (Sep 19) to share that her Singaporean in-laws got upset with her when she skipped the “An Chuang ceremony” on her wedding night. Posting on r/askSingapore, a Reddit forum, she explained that while she had a beautiful and lavish wedding in Singapore, paid for and organized by her husband’s family, tensions arose due to differing cultural expectations. As an Australian unfamiliar with many Asian traditions, she made a sincere effort to respect her in-laws by embracing most of their customs, despite not personally sharing their beliefs.

However, she reached her limit when they insisted that she and her husband spend the wedding night at their house for the An Chuang ceremony, a traditional Chinese ritual involving the preparation of the marital bed, instead of staying at the hotel as planned. “His mum said we had to sleep in the wedding bed prepared at their house. For me and my culture this is weird and as a newly married couple the thought of staying at my in laws with them just down the hall on my wedding night is creepy,” she explained.

“I have no problem with them following their traditions but when they force them on me, I am uncomfortable.” She informed her husband that she wanted to stay in their hotel room instead, as this was originally their plan and because it was already part of the wedding package. “I kept saying I was going to stay at the hotel.

We were having a big after party as well so we woul.