It's safe to say that growing up in a certain area can change the entire trajectory of your life. While some may be afforded ample opportunities in leafy suburbs or posh gated communities, many may be fighting for what others get given on a silver plate. But, for this one woman who grew up in the , she didn't let her postcode stop her from achieving great things – and now she's a self-made millionaire.

Here we take a look at Chelsea Ferguson's 'rags to riches' tale where she went from skint student to owner of a £200,000 Lamborghini...

Chelsea Ferguson,34, is from Hartlepool – the place recently revealed to be 'worst town' for crime in the UK. The County Durham port town also landed in the top 10% for most 'deprived' areas in the UK. But, that hasn't stopped Chelsea following her dreams and rolling in the money.

At the age of 18, she decided to enrol in university but quickly found herself strapped for cash while studying. A joke with friends about attending a strip club for the first time was a pivotal part in Chelsea's journey to becoming a millionaire. As soon as she stepped foot in the X-rated clubs, she instantly fell in love with the atmosphere.

While in education, she became a lap dancer to keep the money. But, Chelsea loved dancing so much she decided to sack in her degree. Chelsea admittedly called herself "young and daft" to start working in what is often thought to be a seedy job.

The model would work long hours, finish at 6am, would drink frequently all while.