A lady had a meltdown on a mom after her kid mistakenly sat in the woman's seat at the movie theater -- and the whole thing was caught on camera ...

including cops showing up. This wild scene was captured over the weekend by a TikTok user who posted part of the interaction on her account ..

. and it shows a moviegoer getting in her face at a Cinemark in Manchester, CT. As you can see .

.. this woman who's being filmed is clearly upset about the fact that the camerawoman's son is apparently plopped down in the seat she paid for -- but her reaction to that here is pretty over the top .

.. as she's filmed screaming her head off about the mix-up.

The lead-up to this wasn't caught on video, so it's unclear why this woman was so bent out of shape -- but in any case, she was definitely riled up ...

and some say unreasonably so. You can see what appears to be this woman trying to swat the camera out of the mom's hands -- and she gets a shove in response ..

. that is, before another kid enters the picture -- who seems to be with the older woman -- and tries to defuse the situation. Upon confirming they were indeed in the wrong seat, the woman starts moving her kids -- but not before telling the overzealous woman that she should behave herself and show some decorum next time around.

Eventually, both women head out into the lobby to complain. The mom says she wants to speak with a manager ..

. and requests to get the cops involved, saying she wants to press charges against this lady -- which.