A woman trolled by strangers who call her scars "disgusting" says she's finally embraced her "battle wounds" after years of hiding them. Moona Mehomood, 22, struggled with her mental health since the age of nine and began to self harm. She was diagnosed with complex post-traumatic stress disorder after several stints in hospital and has been recovering for the last four years.

Moona used to feel "ashamed" and "embarrassed" of the scars on her arms and legs but after meeting others like her through treatment she has started to embrace them. She no longer hides them underneath jumpers and has the confidence to wear tops and shorts. Moona, who is currently unemployed, from Newcastle , Northumberland, said: "I covered up in the summer.

I was ashamed of the scars I had. I hope in the future people see them more as a battle that I have been through rather than as disgusting. "There is no changing the scars that I have now.

I'm learning to be OK with it. People are going to judge you but that's their problem. I don't find them beautiful.

I love when people say to embrace them. I call them battle wounds. It's pain I have been through showing on my body.

" Moona grew up around a lot of unstable relationships which led her to self harm at the age of nine. She said: "I started to struggle when I was quite young. Her family realised she was struggling as a teenager and were able to get her help at aged 14.

She was in and out of hospital following her mental health battles." Moona said: "I.