A woman was bitten on her upper left arm by a dog and died the following day, an inquest has heard. Michelle Hempstead, 34, was attacked by the animal in Southend , Essex. Police have not said what breed it was, but indicated that it was assessed as not a banned breed.

An inquest, which was opened and suspended in Chelmsford on Thursday, was told that police found her with a “laceration to her upper limb” on July 29 this year. Court co-ordinator Andy Flack said that Ms Hempstead was taken to Southend Hospital for treatment, then subsequently transferred to the Royal London Hospital, where she died on July 30. He said a post-mortem examination recorded that Ms Hempstead sustained a “dog bite wound to left upper arm”.

Mr Flack said that transection of the left axillary artery – the main artery to the arm – was also a contributory cause to her death. Multi-organ failure and hypovolemic shock – where a severe loss of blood or other fluids prevents the heart from pumping enough blood – were also given as contributory causes. Lincoln Brookes, senior coroner for Essex, said – after details of the case were outlined by Mr Flack – that he would suspend the hearing pending the outcome of a criminal investigation.

“I’ve received a written request from Essex Police to suspend the coronial proceedings pending a criminal investigation,” said Mr Brookes. “I accordingly grant that request.” He said he would review the suspension after three months, and asked tha.