TOKYO (TR) – On Thursday, Kotomi Sato hid her face from cameras in the backseat of a police vehicle. The day before, she was arrested after stabbing her boyfriend in the neck with scissors inside his luxury apartment in Nakano Ward . He later died at a hospital According to police, the pair began dating earlier this year.

Fuji News Network (Sep. 17) provides background on how the incident transpired. The crime occurred inside a newly built luxury tower apartment building near JR Nakano Station.

The victim, aged in his 20s, was a certified public accountant. The incident was revealed after Sato called emergency servicse just before 7:00 p.m.

on Monday. She said that she she had stabbed her boyfriend in the neck with the scissors. Emergency personnel arriving at the scene found the man collapsed and bleeding from his neck inside the residence.

He was later confirmed dead at a hospital, police said. Upon her arrest on suspicion of attempted murder, Sato partially denied the allegations. “There was an argument going on between us on the train and it continued when we got to the apartment,” she said.

“I thought he would listen if I took out the scissors. So, I swung them at him and stabbed him.” Police later changed the charges to murder.

A man who witnessed the scene outside the building said, “The woman was surrounded by four or five police officers and had put a hood over her head. She didn’t fight back. They just put her in a police car and took her away.

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