Congress MP and Leader of Opposition (LoP) in Lok Sabha, Rahul Gandhi, has said that nobody in India was scared of Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) or Prime Minister after the election results of Lok Sabha polls were announced earlier this year. While speaking at an Indian diaspora event organised in Dallas, Gandhi said that the RSS believes India is one idea and Congress believes that India is a multiplicity of ideas. He emphasised that every person should be given space irrespective of their caste, language, religion, tradition, and history.

RSS & BJP’s idea of women is to restrict them to home & kitchen While we believe that women should aspire & lead us in every sector — Powerful by Rahul Gandhi 🔥 He said, "The RSS believes that India is one idea and we believe that India is a multiplicity of ideas and we believe by the way, very much like the United States, we believe that everybody should be allowed to participate.

We believe that everybody should be allowed to dream. Everybody should be given space regardless of their caste, language, religion, tradition, history. This is the fight and the fight was crystallized in the election when millions of people in India clearly understood that the Prime Minister of India is attacking the Constitution of India because what I am saying to you, union of states, respect to languages, respect to religions, respect to traditions, respect to castes.

This is all in the Constitution." "Every single word that.