How do you explain Metal Gear Solid to someone who's never experienced it? At first glance, it's a near-impenetrable explosion of gravelly-voiced protagonists, cardboard boxes, and giant exclamation marks – with robots lovingly sprinkled atop. Yet for those who explored Shadow Moses, Big Shell, and Tselinoyarsk the first time around, Kojima's seminal stealth saga feels less like a video game, and more a sacred text. In recent years, however, the legendary soldier's mythos has begun to wane.

Now almost a decade since Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain first hit shelves, a whole generation of gamers have grown up in a Snake-less world. With Gen Z not knowing their Volgin from their Ocelot, we find ourselves in a time of unparalleled Kojima crisis. Sensibly then, Konami is hoping to right this wrong, remaking Snake's cold war classic, Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater for shiny modern hardware.

With its release date still nowhere in sight, I received intel about a top-secret demo for this new 'Delta' Metal Gear Solid 3 remake project. As a grizzled F.O.

X veteran, Like Chase and Status before me, I eagerly returned 2 Jungle, re-donning my bandanna, tuning my codec, and grabbing my Mk2 tranquilizer, one last time. As I popped on my headset and picked up my mission apparatus, there was one question ricocheting around my head – has Konami lovingly restored this timeless classic, or merely fumbled the cardboard box? It was time to find out. Kept you waiting, huh? There's a giddy .