Thanks to Candy Woodall for her recent well-thought-out column in The Baltimore Sun ( July 26). First, I find U.S.

Sen. JD Vance’s comments about women without biological children to be ignorant, insensitive and insulting to all women, whether or not they are mothers or ever wanted to be mothers. It’s wrong in so many ways.

I don’t know where to begin, and I’m not sure I would know when to stop. So, let me say this: I was 47 years old, five years into my second marriage, when my husband and I adopted a 5-month-old baby girl who was born in another country, on another continent. She is now 29, talented in any number of ways, athletic, kind, insightful, and her beauty is show-stopping.

I can’t imagine loving any daughter more than I love her. I am grateful to be her mom. But even if we had not been graced and enriched by becoming her parents, even if we had never become parents at all, both my husband and I would continue to be the kind of people who think beyond ourselves.

— Sandee Lippman, Baltimore.