The upcoming US presidential election has increased the volume of discussion around . The far-right evangelical position has always been inexplicable to many, including me. or signup to continue reading How can someone seriously have a blanket opposition to first-term abortions, but believe in a just war? Put aside the ego that allows someone to imagine that the all-omnipotent god in which they believe actually needs them, a tiny fallible human, to act as god's police on earth.

I've been led by this recent flurry of media coverage to something of an epiphany. It's time for a big change in how we think about responsibility for kids. My epiphany relates not so much to the money as to the responsibility.

Why have we for so long left the mother holding the baby? The starting position is that all kids need to be looked after and all of us should chip in where it's needed. There's no question about that. There's no suggestion of cutting back.

My idea is to give power to the mum, not to cut her welfare. Why do we consider it acceptable for the mother to be left holding the baby? She has to decide whether to proceed to full-term. Her whole life plans get changed and all of a sudden she's cooking baby food, doing childcare, school and sport drop-offs, helping with homework, and on it goes, for 18 years at least.

The father on the other hand enjoys a "quick moment" and literally walks away. Probably for a lot more quick moments. Yes, we might pursue him for some child support, if we kn.