But, according to Wirral chef Simon Rimmer, star of Channel 4’s Sunday Brunch, we’re really missing out. Here are his tips for great BBQ food year-round. 1.

Fire up your BBQ in autumn and winter “I genuinely cooked my Christmas turkey three years ago on a BBQ and it was brilliant. It was really, really good. There’s something quite nice about being out in the cold by a hot BBQ,” the 61-year-old says.

“Thing is, you don’t have to stand by it all the time.” For him, BBQ “is better in cold weather”. In conditions “where there is more moisture in the air due to rain, snow or heavy clouds, the added moisture in the air stops the food drying out,” he says.

“So, a slow cooked piece of beef or pork will have more moisture and therefore will be juicier than if the conditions are arid. “It’s a really great time of year to do it,” says Rimmer, who has partnered Calor to launch their BBQ forecast, shared via Instagram (@CalorGB) every week, featuring recipes depending on suitable weather windows. Interestingly, research by the brand found that nearly a quarter of people (23%) are willing to BBQ in temperatures of 15°C or lower.

But 17°C is the average minimum temperature Brits are willing to, the survey found. 2. Understand direct and indirect heat This is “the biggest key to knowing how to use your BBQ properly”, says Rimmer.

“The basic principle is, anything that takes up to 20 or 25, minutes, you can cook on direct heat, so a burger. Like a fryi.