Wirral charity Autism Together has announced details of its continuing plans for the development and restoration of a range of buildings and sites in the village. Last year, following the gifting of three Grade-II listed buildings to Autism Together, the charity asked the Wirral community about their use of the village and what changes and improvements they would like to see, going forward. The buildings, gifted by Riverside Housing, were the village’s former school (now called the Enterprise Centre), Giles Shirley Hall and the former St Matthew’s Church building.

Having taken the results of the public consultation meetings and questionnaires into account, Autism Together has drawn up a five-year plan for improvements that either the organisation or the public would like to see in the village. Angie Kemp, Autism Together’s Director of Business Development, said: “Following a community consultation in 2023, Autism Together appointed heritage-approved architects Paddock Johnson to design a master plan for the new buildings and land. “This masterplan shows the exciting future potential of the area, which will benefit Autism Together’s day services operating from these buildings, and also the wider village and community as a whole.

” Plans for the Enterprise Centre include repairs to its exterior stonework, followed by a sympathetic reconfiguring of the building’s layout to provide a beneficial environment for the people the charity supports. This will encompass a .