When it comes to the United States, California is the grape-volume superstar. Well over 90% of all wine grapes are grown in California with Washington State pulling less than 5%. Did you know that New York is number three, not far off from Washington? Only about 10% of New York wine grapes produced are from vinifera grapes, such as chardonnay, merlot and riesling.

The two dominant growing areas are theFinger Lakes and Long Island. The temperatures of these areas are moderated by bodies of water that help make frigid winters survivable for grapes. The Finger Lakes were formed by glaciers gouging large holes in the bedrock, and Long Island is a moraine where the glacier stopped moving and dumped a mass of soil, gravel and rocks.

Arguably, the Dr. Konstantin Frank Winery is the leader in this region. Specializing only in vinifera grapes, the Frank winery offers some of the best wine produced in the Finger Lakes.

Dr. Konstantin Frank Winery was founded in 1958 by Dr. Frank who had studied the cold climate impact on vinifera grapes in what is now Ukraine.

He died in 1985 and his great-granddaughter manages the New York winery. We recently tasted a selection of impressive, well-priced white wines from the winery. Following are our thoughts: Dr.

Konstantin Frank Brut Method Champenoise Finger Lakes Sparkling Wine N/V ($30) . A classic blend of all of the traditional champagne grapes, with roughly equal parts chardonnay and pinot noir and a dollop of pinot meunier. Made in the same m.