Pressure to build more sustainable housing, upgrading an ailing road network and protecting the environment - these are all important issues that will influence the makeup of the next Port Stephens council. Login or signup to continue reading But there is one that looms larger than others this time around - offshore wind. Whatever their position on other issues, candidate know their position on this contentious clean energy project is critical to their chances of success.

The fact that a federal energy transition issue is taking up so much bandwidth in the local government election campaign has not been lost on some voters and candidates. But, equally, it is an issue that will potentially impact on many aspects of life throughout the shire for years to come. Despite the government's assurance there is nothing to worry about, tourism operators have launched a fierce campaign that highlights their concerns about how the turbines will affect their multi-million dollar industry.

Equally, environmentalists have raised alarm about the threat that offshore wind poses to the famous blue water wonderland. The Coalition has invested plenty of time in Port Stephens ever since the government announced its Offshore Wind plan in mid-2023. Both Labor and the Coalition know voters' response on the subject offshore in the local government elections will have major implications for the seat of Paterson in the next federal election.

While offshore wind might be the big issue of the moment, ther.