Hospice calls on local supporters to join an upcoming charity trek in Spain, aiming to gather crucial funds for end-of-life care. The hospice, which has served over a thousand patients since the community raised millions for its establishment three years ago, marks another endeavour for its continued service with this call to action. In September 2025, staff at the hospice is set to embark on a five-day, 100-kilometre trek of the famed Camino route.

The challenge will include daily walks up to 29km, taking in the natural beauty of Galicia, and numerous cultural and historical sites, and finishing at the magnificent Santiago de Compostela. Supporters interested in joining the initiative are invited to an information evening on Monday, September 30 at Christ Church. Trek organisers from The Different Travel Company, who carry with them the experience of the Camino trek, will be there to share insights and answer questions.

They aim to provide details of what to expect from the trip and ideas on how to reach fundraising targets. The hospice continues to reach out to the community, giving them the opportunity to participate in funding its mission of providing premier care. It credits this collective spirit as the lifeline of its services, looking back on when the local community transformed a derelict building into its current state-of-the-art facility.

Booking a slot in this meeting and learning more about the trek can be done by emailing winchester.hospice@hhft.nhs.

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