Anthony Zupnik has been obsessed with Wimpy since he was child and for more than three decades has been ordering mainly the same meal of a hamburger with ketchup and onions. The 37-year-old said: “At some point couldn’t think of having anything else, I couldn’t bring myself to try anything else.” Throughout July Anthony is travelling thousands of miles to visit every Wimpy in the UK, in aid of the Teenage Cancer Trust.

Sadly, in 2010 Anthony was diagnosed with testicular cancer and underwent three months of treatment. “I was diagnosed in Leeds and fortunately it had specialist wards for younger people, and I was on a Teenage Cancer Trust unit,” he said. Anthony said the ward had specialist nurses, a youth support worker and a large lounge, which was kitted out with young people in mind.

“The support from them didn’t stop as soon as you finished treatment, that continued for many months later,” Anthony said. “The Teenage Cancer Trust definitely made my life so much better. I was also grateful for what they did for other people I met.

” Speaking about his diagnosis and treatment, Anthony said: “It was life changing for a variety of reasons, I got to meet so many amazing people. The care I got was terrific. “When I got the diagnosis, it was quite surreal, the one thing I felt worried about was telling my now wife, Claire.

” Fortunately, Anthony was given the all clear and after years of wanting to do something to give back to the charity, he came up wit.