Now that Joe Biden has dropped out of the presidential race and endorsed Kamala Harris to replace him at the top of the Democratic ticket, an intriguing new question is swirling around efforts to defeat Donald Trump in November. The question is whether Taylor Swift will endorse Harris. If Swift does, it could mean that the most famous entertainer on the planet right now could lend her considerable cultural power to back the vice president in her quest to make history by becoming the nation’s first woman, the first Black woman and the first Asian American to become president of the United States.

That’s the question posed by at least one pundit, Vanity Fair contributing writer Kase Wickman, that Swift is “the influencer to end all influencers, able to wield her massive popularity and power effectively enough to impact economies and legislation, moviemaking practices and album release strategies.” Wickman also noted that Forbes named Swift the fifth most powerful woman in the world, with her ability to reach her hundreds of millions of social media followers, many of whom are fiercely loyal. Her endorsement for Harris would be “an incomparable asset to the former California senator’s nascent 2024 presidential campaign,” Wickman said.

(formerly Twitter) also was launched Sunday. Although it’s not affiliated with Swift, it has already garnered more 19,000 followers. Swift has used her voice in the past to influence politics, in state and national elections.

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