NEW YORK -- This week began with a clip of Devin having some serious doubts about his relationship and where he stands with Jenn. But, before we could get to that, it was time to see her fantasy suite dates in Hawaii with her final three men, Devin, Marcus, and Jonathon. Molly Mesnick met up with Jenn in Hawaii.

This is the second time she's getting some help from this "Bachelor" alum. Molly said it was time to have deep conversations and really get to know each other. Jenn told Molly that she was confident that one of the remaining three men could be her husband.

Molly said that she really liked the way that Jonathon kept his focus on her during the group date in Seattle. Jenn is just hoping that he can get out of his head and lean into his emotions. Jenn said that with Marcus, he's someone whom she could see a future with from the beginning.

She's just worried that he won't be able to fall in love with her in time. Devin, Jenn said, just gets her. He told Jenn he loves her, but she said she's not fully there yet, but is falling for her.

Gina: Molly told Jenn that the week of overnight dates is the most important one of the journey because so much will get fleshed out with those important conversations, so we could be in for some big changes here, I think. Devin confided in Jesse as they played golf and said that he wished Jenn had said "I love you" back to him. He doesn't know how to propose when he's not sure someone loves him back.

Jenn said she feels like with Devin she .