If you've ever experienced the pain of a UTI , it makes sense why some people would do pretty much anything to avoid them. Symptoms like burning, frequent urination, and even fever can leave patients scrambling for solutions, and while good hygiene may help you prevent a UTI , even this can only take you so far. Still, there's one remedy that seems to have withstood the test of time: cranberry juice.

You may have already heard these berries touted as the ultimate cure-all — but will cranberry juice actually help a UTI? Or is this just an odd piece of medical misinformation we need to retire? While the cranberry rumor certainly offers some hope, chugging a glass of cranberry juice may not be the most effective way to treat a UTI. To find out more, we spoke to ob-gyns about what cranberry juice can and can't do in terms of pain relief and UTI prevention. Read on to see if cranberry juice can help a UTI, and what other remedies might work better.

Erica Cahill , MD, is an ob-gyn, family planning specialist, and clinical associate professor of obstetrics & gynecology at Stanford University School of Medicine. Renita F. White , MD, is a board-certified ob-gyn, women's health advocate, and medical advisor for The Honey Pot Company .

Jenn Conti , MD, MS, MSc, is a board-certified ob-gyn, recognized medical journalist, and an affiliated clinical assistant professor at Stanford University School of Medicine. Will Cranberry Juice Help a UTI? Good news for cranberry juice drinkers — .