Produced by Lisa Freed [This story first aired on Nov . 18, 2103. It was updated on June 14, 2014] Dave Springer drives the same route he did on July 24, 2003 -- the day the retired Denver cop was in a frantic search for his own daughter.

"This is basically the route I took, in the evening to come over here and look for her," Springer tells "48 Hours" correspondent Erin Moriarty as they drive. "And I was looking between the houses." "When you were just driving around, what were you hoping you'd see?" Moriarty asked.

"Well ...

maybe I would see my daughter's car moving, see her somewhere," he replied. Heather DeWild, 30, thought she'd be safe going to her soon-to-be ex-husband's house, in Edgewater, Colorado ..

. if she took along her two children, Jacob and Hannah. She planned to just stop by to pick up insurance cards for the kids and sign a check.

"I told her not to go there," Springer said. "And I didn't think she would. But she did.

" And then she vanished. "As you're driving around, do you have a sinking feeling?" Moriarty asked Springer. "Yeah, I .

.. really had a bad, bad feeling about it," he replied.

Springer says, he'd been worried what his son-in-law, Dan DeWild, might do as the final divorce approached. "Basically he wanted to keep things under control, his control, and that was slipping away from him and I think it just seemed like he was getting more and more desperate, more and more hostile," he told Moriarty. So when Heather didn't return after going to Dan's hou.