Refrigerating food is a common practice to preserve it for longer durations. However, not all kitchenware is suited for storing food in the fridge, especially when it comes to certain items like pressure cookers, non-stick pans, and thermowares. Here’s why placing these vessels in the refrigerator can be a bad idea.

1. Non-stick pans Non-stick pans are not designed for refrigerator storage due to the sensitivity of their coating. Coating degradation: The non-stick surface is prone to wear and tear when exposed to cold, which can cause it to lose its effectiveness over time.

Scratches and dents: Fridges are crowded spaces, and non-stick pans can easily get scratched by other items or utensils. Any damage to the coating will reduce the pan's non-stick properties. 2.

Pressure cookers Pressure cookers are built to handle high temperatures and pressure, but storing them in the fridge is not recommended. Thermal shock: The sudden shift from a hot environment to a cold one can weaken the metal, causing warping or damage over time. Sealing ring damage: The rubber gasket used for sealing in pressure cookers can harden or lose elasticity in cold conditions, compromising the cooker’s ability to seal properly in future use.

Condensation risk: Hot food in a sealed pressure cooker placed in the fridge will cause condensation to build up inside, leading to potential moisture-related issues like rust. 3. Thermowares Thermowares and insulated casseroles are designed to keep food warm, not.