It's a simple act which could see you scammed of thousands of dollars. Experts have warned against going online and Googling your airline's phone number if you want to contact them. That's because of multiple scams being reported relating to fake contact details for the company Aussies booked their flight with.

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"They are in fact masking that they work for the airline, accessing the booking details and overcharging by thousands. "We've even had people be conned into thinking their confirmed reservations are on a 'waitlist' and that they need to pay to get uploaded, when their booking was absolutely fine." Victims are not actually calling the airline but a scam number that looks right.

Sometimes numbers can be only one digit different. The scammer is then able to glean information from the client. They then use it to pretend there are issues with their ticket - and they'll need to pay extra to fix that.

READ MORE: Eight in ten Aussies ar.