One of the primary reasons driving the trend of egg freezing is the increasing age at which women in India are getting married and starting families. In recent years, a notable shift has been observed in India's urban centres, where an increasing number of women in their thirties are opting to freeze their eggs. Egg freezing involves the retrieval of eggs from a woman's ovaries and freezing them for future use when ready for conception and pregnancy.

This trend reflects changing societal dynamics, evolving career aspirations, and a growing awareness of reproductive options. Let's explore the factors driving this phenomenon and its implications for Indian society shared by Dr Sheetal Jindal-MBBS, MD OBG, EPHM (IIM Kolkata) Senior consultant. Delayed Marriage and Motherhood One of the primary reasons driving the trend of egg freezing is the increasing age at which women in India are getting married and starting families.

As more women pursue higher education and establish their careers, they often delay family planning. However, female fertility begins to decline around age 35, leading to a potential conflict between career goals and biological realities. Egg freezing provides a solution by allowing women to preserve their fertility, enabling them to concentrate on their professional aspirations without jeopardizing their future chances of motherhood.

The timing of egg retrieval is crucial, with higher success rates for women who freeze their eggs at younger ages, particularly .