Throughout the entirety of her teenage years, Fay Camerling was teased at school for having small breasts and a dancer’s body. So, in the midst of feeling ‘young, insecure and impulsive,’ she decided at the age of 21 that the answer was to have breast implants put in. However, Fay has always had a ‘very small frame’ and her implants ended up being much bigger than she had anticipated.

‘As a lover of fashion , the irony of not being able to wear certain clothes because they didn’t look right was not lost on me,’ Fay, who lives in Oxfordshire and is now 47, tells

But her problems began in 2011 when, after experiencing capsular contracture (when scar tissue forms and hardens, restricting movement), she was referred for revision surgery. By this point, she’d also undergone three pregnancies – which can sometimes impact the appearance of breasts with implants, as facilitated by changes in body shape and skin structure. The implants that replaced her original ones, though, were later withdrawn from the market due to safety concerns, as Fay notes this ‘textured gummy bear style’ was ‘found to carry an increased risk of BIA-ALCL, a type of lymphoma that develops around the implant.

’ At the time, they were the ‘new kids on the block.’ Can you breastfeed when you have implants? Breastfeeding with breast implants is entirely possible – but, as per NHS guidance, the size, placement and type of surgery all need to be considered. ‘If the inc.