The fallout from the latest report on the number of drugs deaths in Scotland continues. Earlier this week the National Records of Scotland issued figures for 2023 which showed an increase of 12 per cent on the year before. Read our report here 👈 Today one of our readers argues that many of the problems would disappear if drugs were legalised and made part of a quality-controlled industry.

David J Crawford of Glasgow writes : "It's interesting to witness the outrage at the number of Scottish deaths caused by illegal drugs last year when the number is actually less than that directly attributed to alcohol, a drug which 'society' has decided to legalise. Alcohol despite being legal is a scourge on society and is the root cause of many health , social and legal problems. Many of the current problems associated with the consumption of illegal substances are directly related to its illegality and would disappear were they to become part of a legitimate and quality-controlled industry.

Since it is calculated that the drug trade is responsible for between 1% and 5% of global GDP, the financial spin-off of legalising the trade would be substantial especially as the demand for these substances continues to exist despite the illegality. One has to ask why the substances are treated differently. Why is one allowed to drink oneself to death but not 'shoot' or 'sniff' oneself into oblivion.

Surely it’s not simply because the drug trade is not and could never be directly controlled by .