You may be familiar with self-care routines composed of morning meditations, evening affirmations, HIIT classes—and maybe a few weekly supplements for brain and immune health as recommended by a physician. But have you heard of magnesium bath flakes? Dr. Tara Swart , a leading neuroscientist and author of The Source: Open Your Mind.

Change Your Life, swears by her weekly baths with a sprinkle of magnesium flakes. Magnesium is a highly recommended supplement for healthy aging because natural levels decrease with age. But a capsule isn’t the only way to increase your magnesium intake.

At least one study—looking at the effects of soaking in the Dead Sea, which has a record-high magnesium salt content—has shown magnesium bathing can reduce inflammation and joint pain. And it turns out that you can emulate some of those healing effects at home. “I can really tell if I’ve gone for a bit too long without doing it,” Swart tells Fortune , who bathes in the mineral three to five days a week for 15 minutes at a time.

What are the benefits of magnesium? Magnesium is an essential mineral found in many foods, such as green leafy vegetables, seeds, seafood, milk, and yogurt. The mineral protects the body against cardiovascular disease, regulates mood, improves immune health, and plays a vital role in enzyme function. “It underlies about 300 processes in the body, including sleep and mood,” Swart says.

A magnesium deficiency can lead to a host of chronic conditions and put .