When I told people I was quitting an amazing job, ending my lease on an apartment I adored and packing up my life to move to Barcelona , the reactions were mixed. There was shock, some envy and a lot of questions. But now after a year here I can say it is - without a doubt - the best decision I ever made.

In June 2023, escaping a cold Sydney winter, my partner and I boarded a one-way flight with two suitcases each and an enrolment to a Spanish language school. READ MORE: 'Solo cruising: Here's everything you need to know' READ MORE: 'Flying budget? Three things I'm glad I realised before my long-haul flight' The year before we had both turned 30, and despite having fulfilling and comfortable lives in Australia, decided to move overseas - calling it an 'adult gap year'. It was one of the most terrifying, surprising, and incredible experiences of my life.

It's not for everyone, but for those looking to make a big change in their lives while they still can. Here are some things I learned. Whether moving to a new town, job, or continent - it's likely there will be a lot of unfamiliarity.

You will be out of your comfort zone and likely disconnected from your support networks. Add in a time difference and those regular calls home become a little less regular. We were fortunate to know a few people in the city before we arrived, but we also made a conscious effort to say 'yes' to things - even things we would never do at home.

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