We've all heard about the physical benefits of swimming , but new research confirms its advantages go far beyond just toning the muscles. According to a Harvard study, swimming tops the list of the 5 most beneficial sports of all time. It offers significant benefits for cognitive and mental health , with numerous scientific studies supporting these findings.

Dr Seena Mathew, a neurobiologist specialising in brain physiology, confirmed this in an article for TED , a platform dedicated to experts in their fields. She states, "Regular swimming has been shown to improve memory, cognitive function, immune response, and mood. Swimming may also help repair damage caused by stress and establish new neuronal connections in the brain.

" According to her, “Men have been searching for a fountain of youth for centuries. Swimming may be the best way to get close.” Aerobic exercises for the body and brain In sports terminology, there is a distinction between "anaerobic" and "aerobic" activities .

Anaerobic exercises, such as weight training, HIIT, and Tabata, are characterised by short bursts of intense activity that generate energy with minimal oxygen, often leaving us breathless. On the other hand, aerobic activities like swimming, running, and dancing involve more moderate-intensity exercise sustained over longer periods. These are excellent for the cardiorespiratory system, as they meet the oxygen needs of the muscles.

Aerobic exercises not only improve endurance but also contribute .