Have you ever met someone whose presence in your life just made sense? Maybe it was an instantaneous attraction, or maybe things clicked after you formed an extremely deep connection? Either way, if you've ever felt an invisible string pulling you toward someone, it's possible you've encountered a soul tie. A soul tie is a type of spiritual connection that relationship expert Sameera Sullivan describes as the "knitting together" of two souls. They can develop via a physical, spiritual, social, or emotional bond, and it typically happens more in romantic relationships than platonic ones.

Not every person you've dated qualifies as a soul tie, however — no matter how in love you may have been. Because here's the thing about soul ties: they're so intense that the feeling may be unlike anything you've ever experienced in both a good and bad way. We spoke with experts to explore what this rare connection is and what it means when you've found someone who could be a soul tie.

Sameera Sullivan is a relationship expert and matchmaker. Perry Valentine is a spirituality expert and the founder of AtPerry's Healing Crystals. Joseph Moore is a certified relationship and life coach.

Ronald Williams , PhD, is a psychologist. What Is a Soul Tie, and How Are Soul Ties Formed? Also called a "spiritual coding," a soul tie can be depicted as two souls linking together through a spiritual or emotional bond, spirituality expert Perry Valentine says. The connection is so deep that it can make you .