Whether you enjoy it as a fruit, add it to salads, or blend it into smoothies, make sure to eat dragon fruits every day in the monsoon season. Health benefits of dragon fruit: No one wants to fall sick. But, in monsoon, seasonal illnesses affect many people.

It is, therefore, especially important to be mindful about your diet and overall well-being, ensuring that you strengthen your immunity by putting nutritious foods on your plate, exercising every day, sleeping on time, and getting good rest for your mind, body, and soul. When it comes to nutrition, there are many fruits, vegetables, herbs, spices and other food items that can bolster your immune system in the monsoon season, when there is an increased risk of infections and diseases, owing to a rise in humidity, drop in temperature, and food and water contamination. One such food item is dragon fruit -- a pulpy, fleshy, beautiful-looking, delicious and exotic fruit that is consumed in many parts of the world, including India.

This tropical fruit ought to be consumed for its nutritious qualities, especially during the monsoon season. Read on to find out about the 10 health benefits of eating dragon fruit -- also known as pitaya -- during monsoons . Disclaimer: The above-mentioned information is generic.

It is not a substitute for a qualified medical opinion. Always consult with a specialist or a doctor for more information pertaining to your health and history..